Wednesday May 29th, 2024

We woke up early this morning, had our coffee, then went out for a long walk. There were quite a few eagles about looking for breakfast. This trail is one of our favorites. It’s about a mile and a half and affords great views.

It was a quiet rainy day. We spent several hours doing our float planning for the next couple of weeks. We will have one more night in Petersburg then we will head further North.
This afternoon we joined our new friends Kevin and Karen to attend the arrival of the Haida Nation dugout canoes. These canoes were handmade in Kasaan, which is near Ketchikan. This is a revival of a very old tradition of neighboring villages visiting one another. It was beautiful to see the boats in action as they proceeded into Petersburg after their long journey up Wrangell Narrows. As you can see in the photos below, it was a well attended event, and we were happy to be part of it.
It appears that the weather will start getting a bit warmer next week. So far most days have been in the mid 40’s. One day it was 52 and that felt quite balmy! We are looking forward to proceeding North into new territory for us. However, after a wonderful pizza dinner at Papa Bears Pizza with Kevin and Karen we are ready to tuck in for a warm quiet rest.

Thanks so much for your adventuresome blog for those of us that are content to watch from a far. Love all the pictures and so glad this year has been only minor hiccups. Keep on keep’n on.