Garden Bay in Pender Harbor, Sunday June 4th to ????
We knew it would happen, we just didn’t know when weather would stop our journey for a period of time. And so it did today. We got up this morning around 7:00 am and checked our weather app, Predict Wind, using Windy as a backup. Both apps reported the same forecast: 6 to 8 knot winds, diminishing to 4 later in the afternoon. We used Grief Point weather station and Powell River; these stations report live results. Both stations were reporting in at 9 to 10 knots, very tolerable. What we couldn’t predict were sea conditions. The next closest weather buoy north of us is Senrtry Shoal—but it is quite a ways north. At 8:00 this morning it was showing southerly winds 12-15 and a wave height of 0.3 meters, and a 2.7 second wave period, predicting to diminish throughout the day. With all this information we decided ito cruise out of Pender Harbor and stick our nose out (not sure if this is a nautical term but everyone in boating uses it) to see what the conditions looked like. As soon as we approached Malaspina Strait we saw 4 foot waves with 2 to 3 second intervals—not what expected or wanted to cruise through. Tail between our legs we returned to Pender Harbor. The good news, we were not alone; 4 other boats came back as well. Based on our apps and the weather buoys, the next potential window is Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. Time to sit back, deploy the dingy and enjoy Pender Harbor.
Upon reflection we are glad we decided to cross the Strait of Georgia yesterday. Today is totally a no go until Thursday. Happy to be on the other side.
Good choice!
We’ve “poked our nose out” there a couple of times and opted to go for it. We’re still finding pine nuts in the nooks and crannies in the galley area.
How’s your Starlink working?
Have a great trip!
Duncan, indeed. Opted out of the “washing machine” experience. As to the Starlink, the performance is great. Really an asset in spotty areas.