Saturday July 29th, 2023
Just a quiet Saturday on Thetis, Island. There were two Saturday markets to visit. We picked up some fresh baked goods and one hand made baby outfit for our soon to be second granddaughter. The remainder of the day has been spent reading, walking and preparing for the “dock happy hour”
which I can only describe as unique, pretty old school, and definitely an event for oldsters.
Gordon, who likes to be referred to as “Geordie” is a dock hand by day and crooner by night. Gordon and his wife spend their summers working at the marina and then winter in Mexico, specifically Puerto Vallarta where they own a beach cabin. The repertoire of songs spanned Neil Diamond, Billy Joel, classic country, and of course, “Elvis.” Everyone shows up on the dock with their chair and glass of wine and then joins in the sing a long. As the evening wears on singers become dancers as shown below. Marlene wanted to participate. I choose to stay in my chair:) (For the record Marlene is not in the picture below).
Tomorrow we are off to the States, not sure yet, where yet. Maybe Reid Harbor, maybe Roche Harbor, or maybe just home. I will load up the customs and boarder patrol app with our entry details that we will call in as cross into US waters. More often than not, it’s simply a video chat with a boarder argent. The weather has been 75 and sunny and looks to be the same throughout the coming week.