Friday July 21st, 2023

This will be a very brief update today. We made it to Fury Cove mid day, leaving Shearwater this morning around 7:00 am.
ShearWater was quite disappointing the second time around (We were here for the first time about a month ago). While the staff are friendly and helpful the rest of the marina is lacking. There is NO potable water. (Thank God we have a water maker). The grocery store was absolutely empty. There were no fresh vegetables or produce. Frozen meats were still available. The restaurant is an absolute disaster. There was one waiter for the entire restaurant. After waiting an hour for our meal when I checked on order the waiter told me it had somehow “gotten lost.” I cancelled the order and we walked out of the restaurant. ShearWater is a necessity for boats transiting north or south. It the area, its the only game in town. But boaters beware: don’t expect too much.
Tomorrow we are off to Allison Harbor which is the first leg of our Cape Caution crossing. There is a very short window for us to cross when the seas and waves are of reasonable strength and height. It’s 5 to 9 am. Our journey will take us just over 4 and a half hours, but we should be well within the corridor of Allison Harbor before the wind and swells build. Keep us in your prayers.