Friday, June 16th, 2023

I think this guy is telling me Alaska is that way. My response, “I know. I want to go there but I have two major issues; weather and boat problems.”
We are still dealing with the same two major issues: no depth sounder and no bow thruster. We got a great technician on the boat today to help us trouble shoot both issues. Concerning the depth sounder, we have confirmed the transducer works (the device that pings the sea for a depth); we also confirmed that the network sees the depth sounder, but the “head scratcher is” why isn’t the depth showing up on our navigation screen? Two possible answers: a network problem that we need to solve or there is junk on the bottom on the hull preventing the transducer from being able to deliver a depth. Tomorrow we hope to have a diver to check this out.
Concerning the Bow thruster. We confirmed the battery is good and the thruster is getting power. But when we try and engage the thruster the breaker throws. Solution? One, there is something in the thruster chamber preventing it from working. The diver will be able to determine this. Two, there is a problem with the control board (pretty major), or, the thruster is fried (show stopper). Solutions two and three will require a boat haul out, time and money.
If we get the depth sounder fixed we will have to make a call on whether we continue to Alaska without a bow thruster or not. Thrusters are a convenience, not a necessity.
On a happier note we took a stroll around the town. Price Rupert is this quaint little town with restaurants, a great fresh fish market, and an interesting sea side town vibe. And, lest I forget, it has a Walmart. Why do I bring this up, well Marlene has a good friend from London, Lyn who is a fellow quilter. Lyn has been following our blog and saw that there was a Walmart in Prince Rupert. She suggested Marlene try an find some fabric. Alas, there wasn’t any.

So, tomorrow is another day. We are safe, we are warm, and we are taking it one day at time. We knew this would be a challenge but we have never encountered major “boat problems” while out cruising. Guess there is a first time for everything. We have been blessed to have such great resources here in Price Rupert.
Greg, so sorry you’re having some equipment challenges. Regarding the thruster, have you checked the kill switch (large red knob)? Probably not the issue since you’re breaker keeps throwing, but worth examining.
Ours is in the compartment beneath the forward bed. Ours became problematic when some gear shifted, and pushed in the kill switch. Intuitively I would have expected to pull out to kill; push in to “connect” and engage; but it works opposite of that. So I f you have supplies stored there, the turbulent waters may have caused items to shift which could engage that switch by pushing it in.
Since this happened on our NT37 last year, I fashioned a barrier to prevent a recurrence and no problem since. Worth a look if you haven’t already.
Regarding depth sounder issues, our experience in Alaska 5 years ago was many miles of transiting waters heavily choked with kelp beds that can cause disruption to any below-surface functionality. This could include impeding the the sensor from doing its job; and a chunk of kelp (or wood) in the thruster prop could create the failure you’ve described. There can be a lot of kelp and debris to dodge across so many nautical miles you’re traveling! A diver could resolve if that’s the cause.
Best of luck on both the thruster and depth sounder issues. Hoping you are able to resolve and continue this amazing journey!
So sorry about the fabric. Maybe a quilt shop will turn up on your travels.